Dubai Rules & Laws Explained

Dubai Rules & Laws Explained

Dubai is a city in which most of us would like to live. After all, it is one of the most advanced cities in the world, in terms of architecture, quality of life, and so on. However, you should always remember that Emiratis are traditional people.

Even with such advancements surrounding them, they take their heritage and culture very seriously and expect both expatriates and visitors to respect all of their values.

Emiratis can be characterized by tolerance and open-mindedness, while they are also known to be welcoming and warm. Still, that doesn’t mean they don’t have limits.

This is why, in today’s article, we will explain to you some of the most important rules and laws that you must respect while in Dubai.


It is worth mentioning that, while you are visiting Dubai, you cannot cohabit or have sexual relationships with your partner unless you are married to them. If you do so, you risk being jailed and deported.

Most family law attorneys will tell you that, when it comes to Dubai’s rules and views over couples and families, you should not take any risks. For example, if you conceive a baby outside marriage while in the United Arab Emirates, you and your partner risk imprisonment.

Naturally, getting married will not solve your issues, as the authorities will take their time and check the date of the birth registration and the date when you two got married.


When it comes to drinking alcohol, you must be on a premise licensed to serve alcohol. However, if you are a resident, you’ll have to apply for a license that allows you to buy and consume alcohol in your own home.

If you are caught drunk on the street – no matter where you consumed alcohol – you can be arrested. In short, alcohol is not actually accepted but rather tolerated in Dubai.

Offensive Behavior

No matter what happens to or surrounding you, you should never swear or make any rude gestures towards people, especially towards locals. This includes road rage.

If you do so and someone calls the police, you will most likely be in the wrong and fined, in some cases even imprisoned – mainly because you are an expatriate.

However, even if someone bumps into you, for example, they will most likely apologize for a couple of times before moving on. It’s up to you to remain calm and avoid doing anything stupid.

Public Displays of Affection

While in Dubai as a couple, the only thing you can do in public is holding hands. Obviously, the partners must be married! Kissing, hugging, as well as other display of physical affection is not allowed on the street.

Religious Issues

Of course, you are allowed to follow your own religion while in Dubai and are not restricted to following any customs of Islam.

However, when it comes to things that are considered as an offense to Islam, the one doing them will certainly be fined and even imprisoned.

Also, all Muslims respect their prayer times, no matter where they are. When they pray, you should not disturb or stare at them – after all, you don’t want to be rude and, instead, respect their customs.

Final Thoughts

Other than a few special laws (regarding relationships, alcohol, public displays of affection, and such), the rules of Dubai boil down to respecting the country’s culture, heritage, customs, and people.

As long as you don’t act in a disrespectful manner, avoid being rude to people, and respect the laws in place, you should not consider Dubai a dangerous or too strict place to be in.